More bad fans

Security Fix reports on this ugly incident:

… an apparently obsessed fan of the rock band Linkin Park is accused of hacking into Verizon’s computer system to obtain private information and records of the group’s lead singer and his family. According to documents posted online at FindLaw, 27-year-old Albuquerque resident Devon Townsend has admitted using her employer’s computer — a machine assigned to the Department of Energy on a U.S. Air Force base in New Mexico — to hack into Verizon’s network and obtain private records on Chester Bennington and his wife Talinda. The government also alleges that Townsend used the access to compromise the Bennington’s PayPal account and to steal photographs of the couple and their children. According to court documents, the Benningtons were tipped off to the compromise when they discovered that their Verizon and PayPal account passwords had been changed to “Who is doing this to you?”

It’s easy to forget the stream of digital traces we leave in our wake. Of course, in the old days it was crazy freaks rummaging through Bob Dylan’s garbage cans, so this isn’t totally new to the internet. Still, the more of ourselves we put online, the more vulnerable we are. I hope that in addition to the hacker’s punishment, Verizon takes some serious heat on this one.

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